Warframe: 10 Best Arcanes That Are Much Powerful

In Warframe, there are a lot of ways to change your loadout to fit the way you play. Players can use Warframes, weapons, companions, focus schools, and Mods to make unique loadouts that fit their favorite ways to play.

Warframe: 10 Best Arcanes That Are Much Powerful

Arcanes are special changes that can be made to items that give them benefits that other mods don’t. You can get armor when you take damage or pull enemies toward you when you use a melee weapon to hit the ground. This item type is unique and powerful, making it possible to build things that wouldn’t be possible otherwise. Here are some Arcanes that you need to play Warframe.


Arcane Consequence

Arcane Consequence
Arcane Consequence

Arcane Consequence Rank Five Stats:

Effect60% increased parkour velocity for 18 seconds
Chance100% on headshot

Arcane Consequence is one of the Arcanes in Warframe that might be the most underrated. Instead of giving you more damage or making you more likely to stay alive, this Arcane increases your character’s parkour speed by a lot when you headshot an enemy.

The headshot doesn’t have to kill the person, and the buff lasts for 18 seconds. This Arcane gives a 60% speed boost to parkour. How fast you move in parkour affects how you roll and jump. When Prowl is active, Ivara mains can roll much further, speedrunners will love the faster rolling, and your Warframe’s bullet jump will be similar to Zephyr’s Tail Wind ability.

Arcane Consequence is by far the best Arcane you can equip if you want to run through missions quickly or if you need a little extra speed.


Arcane Strike

Arcane Strike
Arcane Strike

Arcane Strike Rank Five Stats:

Effect60% increased melee attack speed for 18 seconds
Chance15% on hit

People who like to fight with their hands will want to get a rank five Arcane Strike. This Warframe Arcane gives your melee weapons a 60% increase in attack speed for 18 seconds, and it happens 15% of the time after you hit an enemy.

A 60% boost to attack speed is a bit better than what Primed Fury gives. When Arcane Strike is on, players can safely drop their attack speed mod and put on more elemental or critical damage mods instead. You can also use an Attack Speed Mod and this Arcane at the same time to melee enemies at ridiculously fast speeds.


Arcane Grace and Victory

Arcane Grace And Victory
Arcane Grace and Victory

Arcane Grace Rank Five Stats:

Effect6% Health regeneration per second for 9 seconds
Chance9% on taking damage

Arcane Victory Rank Five Stats:

Effect3% Health regeneration per second for 9 seconds
Chance75% on headshot

This entry has two Arcanes because they both do the same thing. When you take damage, Arcane Grace restores 6% of your health, while Arcane Victory restores 3% of your health after a headshot kill.

When used on a Warframe with a lot of health, like Inaros, both Arcanes are way too strong. Better yet, you can use both Arcanes together to heal 9% of your HP every second. If you have enough damage reduction, this makes you almost invulnerable.

The Legendary rarity of Arcane Grace can make it hard to get, but the uncommon rarity of Arcane Victory makes it much cheaper to buy from other players. If you can’t afford Arcane Grace, you should first get an Arcane Victory set.

If you want to heal as quickly as possible, you should try to get Arcane Grace. Even so, we can’t put this any higher on the list because Sevagoth’s Gloom can be added to any Warframe, making it the best way to make a Warframe more durable.


Arcane Guardian

Arcane Guardian
Arcane Guardian

Arcane Guardian Rank Five Stats:

Effect+900 Armor to your Warframe for 20 seconds
Chance15% on taking damage

In Warframe, armor is a key part of most tanky builds. When you take damage, your health will be hurt less if you have more armor.

With its effect, which gives your Warframe 900 flat armor when it takes damage, Arcane Guardian can help both weaker and stronger Warframe. This Arcane is almost always active because it has a 15% chance to work for 20 seconds.

With this Arcane equipped, strong Warframes like Chroma won’t notice much of a change, but weaker Warframes like Banshee can get up to a 60% increase in damage resistance. Put this Arcane on a Warframe that casts spells and a Gloom subsume on it, and you’ll be able to take a lot more damage than you could before. Getting this Arcane is a must if you want to build around HP.


Magus Lockdown

Magus Lockdown
Magus Lockdown

Magus Lockdown Rank Five Stats:

EffectDrop a Tether Mine after Void Dashing, incapacitating up to 10 nearby enemies within 15 meters for 4 seconds. A maximum of 2 Tether Mines can be deployed at any given moment.
Chance100% after Void Dashing

Fans of Destiny will know this Arcane right away as the Nightstalker’s Shadowshot Super. When you do a Void Dash with this Operator Arcane, it drops a Tether Mine that stops all nearby enemies from moving.

Sad to say, the damage that this arcane used to do has been taken away, but Magus Lockdown’s crowd control is hard to ignore. Up to two of these Tether Mines can be set up at the same time, letting players block off small rooms or entrances with just their Operator.

For Steel Path missions or long endurance runs, it’s important to have this level of crowd control ready.


Arcane Avenger

Arcane Avenger
Arcane Avenger

Arcane Avenger Rank Five Stats:

Effect45% additive critical chance on all weapons and abilities for 12 seconds
Chance21% on taking damage

In Warframe, there aren’t many ways to get weapons with a higher critical chance. You don’t have many ways to increase the chance of a critical hit on status-heavy weapons besides using Warframes like Harrow.

Thanks to Arcane Avenger, these weapons can also be used as critical weapons. When the player takes damage, there is a 21% chance that all of their attacks will be more likely to hit by 45% for 12 seconds. This is a rare drop from Hydrolysts, but it makes critical hits possible with almost every weapon in the game.

This Arcane is most helpful for weapons with high critical multipliers, like the Kuva Nukor and the Amprex. The best part is that this buff changes the abilities of Warframes. This arcane will help you reliably hit with Excalibur’s Exalted Blade or Atlas’ Landslide.


Arcane Aegis

Warframe: 10 Best Arcanes That Are Much Powerful
Arcane Aegis

Arcane Aegis Rank Five Stats:

Effect30% Shield regeneration per second for 12 seconds. It also activates your Warframe’s inherit shield regeneration
Chance3% on taking damage

After shield gating was added to Warframe, shield regeneration builds became a small but powerful subset of builds. For those who don’t know, when a player’s shield is broken, they are safe for 1.3 seconds.

Your shields will last for 0.33 seconds if they are broken while they are still being charged. This means that if you can find a way to keep getting your shield back, you can’t be hurt by anything that isn’t poison.

With Arcane Aegis, all of your Warframes with shields can take advantage of shield gating. When your shields take damage, this arcane has a 3% chance to restore 30% of your shields per second for 12 seconds.

Since this also turns on your Warframe’s base shield regeneration, your character’s shield is always regenerating, so the shield gate’s invulnerability window is always turned on. A 3% chance sounds bad on paper, but Rolling Guard makes it easy to take advantage of this.

If you use Rolling Guard while your shields are recharging, any damage you take can trigger Arcane Aegis. You can roll into a group of enemies, get shot at, and then have a 12-second window where you can’t be hurt.

When the effect’s time is almost up, just use Rolling Guard again to bring it back. As long as you pay attention to your buffs and where you stand, this Arcane makes you almost impossible to kill. If you have both Arcane Aegis and Arcane Resistance, you can’t be killed by anything.


Arcane Energize

Arcane Energize
Arcane Energize

Arcane Energize Rank Five Stats:

EffectReplenish 150 additional Energy upon grabbing an Energy Orb.
Chance60% on Energy Orb pickup
Cooldown15 seconds

This Arcane is just a shell of what it used to be. It has a 15-second cooldown, needs 21 of the same Legendary Arcane to work at its best, and even then, getting an Energy Orb isn’t a guarantee that it will work.

So why does it still appear? Well, it’s still one of the best ways in Warframe to get Energy. A single Energy Orb gives you and nearby allies 150 Energy. Even though it can only do this once every 15 seconds, 150 Energy is hardly nothing. If a player is running this Arcane, they can easily drop some Power Efficiency from their build. This lets them equip more Ability Strength or Ability Duration Mods.

This Energy return also happens when you are channeling an ability like Ember’s Inferno. You should definitely get a rank 5 Arcane Energize, but you might want to wait until you have some of the other Arcanes on this list first. The rarity of Energize makes it very expensive unless Operation: Scarlet Spear is running.


Magus Elevate

Magus Elevate
Magus Elevate

Magus Elevate Five Stats:

EffectHeal your Warframe for 300 HP
Chance95% on Transference In (entering your Warframe)

No matter how often you use your Operator, you must have Magus Elevate as an Arcane. When you leave Operator mode with this Arcane equipped, it has a 95% chance to heal your Warframe for 300 HP.

The 300 HP heal from Elevate works right away and doesn’t have a cooldown, so players can spam the Operator button to heal their Warframe over and over. It turns your Operator’s transfer button into an emergency heal that you can use whenever you need it.

This is very useful in higher-level content. Everyone who plays Warframe needs to have this Arcane.


Weapon Arcanes

Weapon Arcanes
Weapon Arcanes

Weapon Arcane Rank Five Stats:

EffectGrants up to 360% damage to your Primary or Secondary
Chance100% chance on condition (kill, headshot, or melee kill)
SlotPrimary or Secondary

Since both Primary and Secondary weapons now have Arcanes, they have quickly become a requirement for almost every endgame build in Warframe. Using Merciless, Deadhead, or Dexterity Arcanes, both primary and secondary weapons can increase their damage by up to 360%. This is much more than what Serration or even Hornet Strike can do.

These arcanes also have a secondary effect that can be very useful for some loadouts:

The type of weapon Arcane you use will depend on your play style or build, but they are all an objective upgrade over your common base damage Mods, freeing up a Mod slot for more powerful damage or quality of life effects. If you want to build the best weapons in Warframe, you will need an Arcane weapon.

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