The Best Indie Games for PC in 2022

Choosing the best indie games for PC is a difficult task that requires some painful exclusion. The great indie boom triggered by digital distribution a decade ago turned out to be more of a Big Bang, launching small-team development in a slew of new directions that defy easy categorization.

Because the sheer volume of indie games is intimidating, we have a lot to choose from when compiling our list of the best indie games. Perhaps a little too much.

The Best Indie Games for PC in 2022

However, we should take stock from time to time to appreciate everything that publisher-free development has provided us. Some of the games listed below were created in a weekend by first-time coders, while others were created by former triple-A creators who instilled the same technical standards in their independent work.

They share almost nothing except a healthy dose of eccentricity and ideas that make Steam worth exploring.

So, what is our final list of the best independents? It has everything, from puzzle games to narrative marvels, pixelart games, and the most beautiful, graphically detailed gems. You’ll want to play each and every one.


The Witness

The Witness
The Witness

PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Mac, Android, and iOS are all supported.

The Witness is the first to appear. Thekla, Inc. has released a puzzle game. This is a puzzle game similar to Myst in which you must navigate the island and solve puzzles with little to no explanation.

Despite the fact that it is a simple puzzle game, the graphics are quite impressive. The colours are vibrant and bold, and the environment is clean. Walking around the island, it’s easy to become distracted by the natural beauty.




Wildermyth is the ideal solution if you’ve ever wanted to play through a tabletop roleplaying campaign with friends without the need for a dungeon master to craft your story. As your unique group of heroes venture out into the world, they encounter a variety of adventures that shape their identity and personal narrative – and because each story is procedurally generated, you end up playing through a completely unique story.

Your characters will age, fall in love, and eventually die, but their legacies will live on in subsequent playthroughs. It’s a storytelling marvel, complete with beautiful papercraft art and infinite replay ability.




At first glance, Inscryption appears to be a card game, but there is much more beneath the surface. The initial gameplay is a cross between Slay the Spire and lane-based card games, with a macabre twist in that you must sacrifice smaller animals in order to play bigger and better beasts to wipe out your opponent.

This unsettling atmosphere grows as you investigate the creepy log cabin in which you’re playing; Inscryption is also a bit of an escape room game in which you must decipher cryptic clues to find your way out. Before long, it becomes clear that nothing is as it appears, and solving the mystery takes you on an unexpected journey.

The best part about Inscryption is that you can keep playing after you finish the campaign. By enrolling in the beta for the free DLC, Kaycee’s Mod, the card game is transformed into a roguelike, with new cards and events to keep the game feeling fresh – and handicaps to make each run more difficult to complete. Inscryption is well worth investigating if you enjoy stories with conspiracies and dark secrets.




Unpacking would be a work of art if it was only a game about sorting and tidying away your belongings in true Marie Kondo fashion. However, through each relocation, this minimalist, chill organization game manages to tell a story of an individual’s journey through life.

The game starts in a single bedroom, but as the invisible protagonist progresses through life, you explore the larger and more complex spaces she inhabits. What is your goal? Unpack. Each level includes a set of boxes. Unpack each box and place everything in its proper place.

There’s a lovely tension between there not being a ‘wrong’ answer to what is essentially a puzzle and there definitely being a wrong answer because that’s not where you put a toothbrush, silly. Unpacking is a touching yet relaxing game that is ideal for unwinding and sorting things without having to clean up in real life. Just don’t watch someone else play it because you might not like what it reveals about their organizational abilities.


Disco Elysium

Disco Elysium
Disco Elysium

The best indie game of 2019 was arguably Disco Elysium. After an amnesia-inducing night of drinking, you’re thrown into the soiled shoes of a detective and charged with investigating a grizzly murder. With no traditional combat, Disco Elysium is all about wrestling with your own psyche to form the type of detective you want to be, and then using this fractured personality to elicit answers from suspects.

This wouldn’t work without some fantastic writing, and Disco Elysium is unrivalled in this regard. With countless conversational threads to pick from in any given encounter, the fact that each one is brimming with personality is what distinguishes this detective game.


Kena: Bridge of Spirits

Kena Bridge Of Spirits
Kena: Bridge of Spirits

PlayStation and PC versions are available.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits is Ember Lab’s first game, but you’d never guess that after playing it. However, before beginning work on this game, Ember Lab created beautifully animated shorts, such as one focusing on Skull Kid from Majora’s Mask.

Everything from the environment to the facial expressions is perfectly designed, giving the impression that you are watching one of Ember Lab’s animated shorts. If you want a beautiful and immersive experience, play this on a PlayStation 5.




Valheim stands out from the crowd of co-op survival games thanks to its enchanting visual style and dreamlike Norse setting. Because the survival mechanics are relatively forgiving, you can raise mead halls and roundhouses in relative peace, watching the sunset wash across the sky as the mist rolls in.

Vikings looking for a challenge, on the other hand, can set sail across the procedurally generated wilderness, trudging through swamps and scrambling over freezing mountains in order to defeat a series of Valheim bosses and bring home hordes of trophies and gold. Just keep in mind that the boar adores you.


Death’s Door

Deaths Door
Death’s Door

Death’s Door is an action-adventure game inspired by Zelda and Dark Souls classics. You take on the role of a crow in charge of reaping monster souls for the Reaping Commission Headquarters, a mysterious yet surprisingly bureaucratic organization.

These monsters aren’t ready to give up their lives, and they’re willing to fight to keep them. Navigate dungeons, cemeteries, and overgrown ruins while solving puzzles and defeating smaller enemies along the way.

Death’s Door’s beautiful visual style, combined with strong combat mechanics, truly distinguishes it. Enemies are difficult to defeat, but the difficulty is perfectly balanced; combat feels fantastic, with every slash of your sword carrying weight.


Among of Us

Among Us
Among of Us

If you want to accuse your friends of murdering one another, Among Us is the game for you. The idea is simple: a group of cute little astronauts are attempting to complete tasks on a spaceship, but one of them is a ruthless imposter intent on killing them all. Find the imposter (or imposters) before it’s too late, or if you’re the bad guy, deceive and kill the other astronauts until you win.

Fake it until you make it: The best deduction games, including Among Us

It’s a great party game to play with your friends, and while the maps and tasks may be a little overwhelming at first, anyone can quickly get the hang of the game. It also helps that Among Us is cheap on Steam! Just don’t blame us if your friendships are ruined after a few rounds of killing each other, okay?


Loop Hero

Loop Hero
Loop Hero

Another day, another ghoul tiles. In this retro roguelike, you must arm yourself with a sword and shield and enter the loop, an endless, perilous cycle of vampires, slimes, and dagger-wielding goblins. As the hero, you set out on a looping track, laying down cards as you go to make each loop more dangerous than the last.

You gain valuable materials to take back to the camp by destroying monsters and surviving each day. You can use these materials to construct new areas or upgrade existing structures, unlocking new cards and perks and increasing your chances of survival. If you die before completing the loop, you return empty-handed, making each excursion a perilous dance with death.




Supergiant’s latest is an impossibly moreish roguelike that also happens to be one of 2020’s best story games. As Zagreus, prince of the underworld, you’ll attempt daring escapes from your father’s domain – with each failed attempt, you’ll grow stronger and more skilled at using your growing arsenal.

The vicious, tough-as-nails combat is a blast to play around with, but it’s Hades’ cast of bickering gods that makes the game’s cyclical nature sing. You’ll relish any opportunity to converse with your Olympian relatives, especially since doing so provides gameplay benefits and a better understanding of Supergiant’s unique take on Greek mythology.


Stardew Valley

The Best Indie Games for PC in 2022
Stardew Valley

Despite the fact that the Harvest Moon series is only available on Nintendo consoles, the PC community adores it. That’s why Stardew Valley captivated so many people’s hearts and minds. It’s a cute role-playing management game that plays on the farming strengths of the popular Harvest Moon games while also being its own brand of charm.

You’ll start out in Stardew Valley with an inherited farm that needs a lot of work. As you plant new crops and bring new life to your land, your attention will shift to exploring the world around you. The valley is in need of loving attention as well, and it is the ideal project to unwind with night after night. It also houses the fantastic Stardew Valley co-op mode if you’re looking for some co-op games, as well as a place to experiment with the plethora of Stardew Valley mods.

Stardew Valley is an unmissable adventure for anyone looking for a taste of village life.




In a traditional RPG, you’d begin by exploring the outskirts of a troubled town before bolstering your chosen character’s arsenal. It’s safe to assume that you’ll solve any problems you come across with your fists, swords, or magical abilities. Murder, on the other hand, can be treated as a last resort in Undertale, which we sincerely hope applies to you in real life.

This 16-bit indie is one of the best RPGs available; you can subdue, pacify, and even flirt with your opponents. The way you approach everything in the game has an effect on the story and how characters treat you in the future. If you leave enemies alive, they will return later and most likely become friends with you. However, if you prefer the usual bloody murder, that is also acceptable.

In terms of the plot, you play a young boy who falls into the world of monsters and must then find a way to escape. What follows is an endearing adventure that is consistently well-written, full of memorable characters and one-liners you’ll share with friends, and a fantastic soundtrack.




PlayStation and PC versions are available.

Stray, which was released in July 2022, caused quite a stir in the gaming community. You play as a stray cat in a post-apocalyptic world in this game. You can still get a sense of the story and the world around you even if you play as a simple cat.

Stray is visually stunning; as you explore a cybercity, you will come across empty streets and beautifully designed brightly lit buildings. You can fully immerse yourself in this lonely world thanks to the seamless environment.




Celeste, the mountaineer who tugged at everyone’s heartstrings, was not only one of the best indie games in recent years; it was also our pick for the best PC game of 2018. Its precise, simple controls make it an excellent and challenging platformer, and its narrative elevates the genre to new heights.

You take on the role of Madeline, who has decided to conquer the icy mountain Celeste by reaching its peak. You’ll fail countless times on Celeste’s difficult levels, but thanks to a quick respawn time and some thoughtful encouragement messages, Celeste keeps you going even when things get tough. If Celeste’s challenging gameplay puts you off playing, don’t worry; there are a variety of assists you can enable so you can enjoy the story regardless of your skill level.


Ori And The Will Of The Wisp

Ori And The Will Of The Wisp
Ori And The Will Of The Wisp

PC, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch are all supported.

The sequel to Ori and the Blind Forest is Ori and the Will of the Wisp. Both of these games are visually stunning, with the sequel taking these stunning graphics to new heights.

This Metroidvania game is a work of art; any screenshot from it could be framed as a photograph. We recommend starting with Ori and the Blind Forest if you’re new to these games.

Conclusion on Best Indie Games for PC in 2022:

This concludes our list of the best indie games for PC. If you want to take that indie vibe a step further and go full hipster, check out our list of old PC games. After you’ve completed your list of cultural highlights, you’re free to go play outside or return to your favorite triple-A multiplayer games, whichever you prefer.

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