League Of Legends: Top 20 Best Bottom Lane Duos

When waiting in line to play League of Legends, the bottom, or “bot,” lane might be one of the best places for couples and friends to play together. It’s the traditional duo lane, where a marksman Attack Damage Carry (ADC) and an enchanter, engage, or poke support team up to lane against two similar champions from the enemy team. There are a lot of ways for players to mix and match their bot lane items to make some of the best synergies.

While the support wards, roams, creates opportunities for engagement, and protects the ADC, the marksman farms to level up in the mid and late game so they can do some serious damage and (hopefully) carry their team to victory.

Top 20 Best Bottom Lane Duos in League of Legends

The best way to play League of Legends is with Duo Queuing. Even if the other player is less skilled than them, the average player will do better in games when they duo queue with another player. This is because there are fewer things that can go wrong, and it is easier for both players to work together. So, what are the best League teams? Let’s find out!

This list contains different duos that can work well together to win on Summoner’s Rift. Each combo has two champions that work well together. This gives you a lot of choices for your next game.


Samira And Nautilus

Samira and Nautilus
Samira And Nautilus

The Desert Rose works well with anyone who has Crowd Control (CC) in their kit, because her Daredevil Impulse gives her stronger auto attacks on enemies who are immobilized and makes the CC last longer if the target is in the air. When The Titan of the Depths fights with Samira, his Dredge Line gives her the knockout she wants and brings their prey closer so they can beat it.

His passive, “Staggering Blow,” lets him root a target just by basic attacking them. This lets Samira’s “Daredevil Impulse” trigger and let her go to town. Depth Charge, Nautilus’s ultimate, also gives Samira a big target to go after.


Thresh And Jinx

Thresh and
Thresh And Jinx

The Loose Cannon and The Chain Warden work well together because Thresh’s Death Sentence, Flay, and ultimate, The Box, give Jinx great chances to land her Flame Chompers and Zap spells. Jinx can use Get Excited without worrying and go all out with Fishbones and Pow-Pow, because Thresh can use Dark Passage to pull her out of her chaos when it’s time to split.

Thresh gives Jinx the engage and disengage commands she needs to layer her CC and shine, which causes chaos.


Kog’Ma And Lulu

KogMa and Lulu
Kog’Ma And Lulu

The Mouth of the Abyss and The Fae Sorceress go well together because Lulu’s enchanter spells can make Kog’Ma stronger. Kog’Ma becomes his ultimate, Living Artillery, because he can unleash a devastating Bio-Arcane Barrage in the late game when Lulu gives the voidborn creature speed boosts with her Whimsy, protects him with the help of Pix, and uses her ultimate, Wild Growth.

Once Lulu finishes an Ardent Censer, Kog’Ma’s attacks with Pix on him will do even more damage, since Pix also attacks enemies with whoever he’s helping.


Caitlyn And Morgana

Caitlyn And Morgana
Caitlyn And Morgana

When The Fallen and The Sheriff of Piltover work together, you probably won’t be able to move. Ever. This pair is a force to be reckoned with because if one of them casts their CC spell, the other can cast theirs right after and keep the target from moving.

Morgana’s Dark Binding already freezes enemies for what seems like centuries, so adding a Yordle Snap Trap on top of that leaves you open to a world of hurt. When Morgana gets her Soul Shackles ultimate at level six, the laning phase might as well be over, since you can easily get hit by their full combos.


Nami And Lucian

Nami and Lucian
Nami And Lucian

The Purifier works well with Braum, but when The Tidecaller is with him, he really takes over Summoner’s Rift (sorry Senna). The passive ability Lightslinger from Lucian works well with Tidecaller’s Blessing, especially if Nami’s main rune is Electrocute. People who weren’t ready for it might be surprised by the amount of burst from these two abilities alone.

Nami’s passive, Surging Tides, lets her spells give allies extra movement speed, so healing Lucian and using Aqua Prison on an enemy make it easy for Lucian to do his full combo and finish off with The Culling.


Ashe And Seraphine

Top 20 Best Bottom Lane Duos in League of Legends
Ashe And Seraphine

The Frost Archer’s attacks slow things down, which works well with The Starry-Eyed Songstress’s Beat Drop. Seraphine’s Beat Drop usually slows if it isn’t echoed by her Stage Presence passive. Since Ashe’s basic attacks and spells are also slow, one cast of Beat Drop will root the enemy. If Sera’s Beat Drop Echo hits an enemy who is being slowed by Ashe’s attacks, the enemy will be stunned instead, making it easy for both Ashe and Seraphine to hit their ultimates.

This is another combo that makes it almost impossible to move, so if you face them, good luck and have fun while you can. You might have a chance if you play an engage support.


Jhin And Zyra

Jhin and Zyra
Jhin And Zyra

The Virtuoso works well with The Rise of Thorns because she makes it easier for him to land his Deadly Flourish. Zyra’s Grasping Roots can go through minions and hold enemies in place so that Jhin can use the rest of his spells or even use his Deadly Flourish to make the CC last longer. If Zyra’s root doesn’t work, she can attack an enemy with a basic attack or place a Rampant Growth and use Deadly Spines to turn it into a Thorn Spitter. This hurts enemies and lets Jhin root them afterward.

Once rooted, Zyra can use her Stranglethorns ultimate to knock down their opponents, and Jhin’s Curtain Call ultimate can end the show.


Karma And Zeri

Karma and Zeri
Karma And Zeri

The Spark of Zaun works well with anyone who can give her a shield, because her passive ability, “Living Battery,” makes her move faster when she has a shield. The Enlightened One works well with Zeri because Karma’s shield is point-and-click and gives extra movement speed by nature. This means that Zeri can zoom with the effects of Karma’s shield and her passive.

Karma can also poke enemies for a lot of damage with Soulflare and root them with Focused Resolve. This gives Zeri a lot of chances to use her own abilities and use Lightning Crash as her ultimate.


Nilah And Soraka

Nilah and Soraka
Nilah And Soraka

The Joy Unbound’s passive, “Joy Unending,” works well with allies who can shield and heal her, so both of them get the benefits of the spells. Even though that means she works well with most enchanter support, Nilah and The Starchild are probably the best pair for the fight. Since Soraka heals allies with her own HP, Nilah’s passive would give health back to Soraka so she wouldn’t have to rely on her Starcall spell to take health from enemies.

Nilah’s Mythic item is usually an Immortal Shieldbow. With Soraka by her side, she should be almost impossible to kill and keep Soraka healthy at the same time.


Miss Fortune And Rell

Miss Fortune and Rell
Miss Fortune And Rell

Star Guardian Miss Fortune poses with Boki and Baki while Star Guardian Rell charges into battle without a care in the world.

There are a few reasons to be careful around The Bounty Hunter and The Iron Maiden. Miss Fortune’s Make It Rain spell will slow down enemies enough for Rell to reliably land her Ferromancy: Crash Down spell and then stun them with her Attract and Repel spell.

To add insult to injury, Rell can use her ultimate, Magnet Storm, to draw enemies to her and keep them close so that Miss Fortune can use her ultimate, Bullet Time, to deal a lot of damage while laughing maniacally.


Ashe and Varus

Ashe and Varus
Ashe and Varus

This pair is often seen in the lower leagues and is very popular. Because Ashe slows enemies down and Varus has a long range, it’s easy to zone enemies and poke them from a safe distance. Their lack of burst damage can be a problem if the other team has a lot of champions with high mobility, but their steady damage output makes up for it.


Malphite and Orianna

Malphite and Orianna
Malphite and Orianna

This duo is one of the oldest and best bot lane combinations in League of Legends, and it is still very useful in the game as it is now. Without going into too much detail, the main reason why this pair is so strong (as I’m sure you can guess by now) is that their abilities and champion kits work so well together.

You’ve probably seen this happen a million times by now: Orianna attaches her orb to Malph, who then uses his ultimate on the whole enemy team. If that wasn’t enough to kill everyone, Orianna’s ultimate pretty much guarantees that her team will win the fight.

Without a doubt, this was one of the best combinations you could make in League.


Lucian and Braum

Lucian and Braum
Lucian and Braum

The best bot lane synergy comes from Lucian and Braum. Their bot lane combos are great because of how their passives work. Lucian can pop Braum’s faster than any other champion in the game because of his passive.

Once Braum applies a stack of his passive, Lucian can trigger two out of four stacks with one passive AA, making this synergy incredibly strong. Lucian’s R, “Culling,” can be stopped very easily by abilities that control crowds.

He doesn’t have to do anything except stand behind Braum. Braum’s Unbreakable shield can stop any incoming projectile, including auto attacks and CC. This makes it possible for Lucian to use Culling on a full channel almost any time.


Yone and Yasuo

Yone and Yasuo
Yone and Yasuo

Since these two League of Legends champions are brothers and sisters in the game’s world, it makes sense that Riot would make them one of the most powerful duos in the game. This pair is dangerous because they both get double Critical Strike Chance, which is the hardest stat to scale in League of Legends. They can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time before the knock-out ends.

Yasuo is used to being in duos because he can pair up with any knockup ability. No matter who is on the enemy team, you will move up the ranks. Just don’t put him on a team with champions who have abilities that let them sink into the ground.

Yone does a lot for a team, especially since he has two knockups that affect a large area of effect for Yasuo’s ultimate. His stacked Q, which is like Yas, and his Ultimate are two of the best abilities that go well with the way Yasuo plays. Yone has the tools to do mixed damage that Yasuo can’t, while also taking less damage than Yasuo.


Galio and Pantheon

Galio and Pantheon
Galio and Pantheon

This is the right duo composition if the assassins you’re facing are roaming the bottom and top instead of the middle. This version of Shen and Twisted Fate is more tanky and less creative. Since there are now assassins, there had to be a pair that kills them in every way.

With his passive talents, he can burst someone with Spear, stun them with Shield Vault, and, most importantly, use enhanced Aegis Assault to tank entire combos just by standing in front of them.

Galio is the same, except that he fights AP. Think of champions like Fizz, who is often chosen. He is a lot like Pantheon in that he can take damage and kill the person who tried to hurt him with magic. He takes a more personal approach than Pantheon, but his Q’s range and poke make him more reliable when it comes to farming.

If you want to mess up an assassin’s game in every way, from farming to roaming to duels, you should kill them. Any assassin main will wish they had picked a different champion instead of these two.


Jhin and Vi

Jhin and Vi
Jhin and Vi

In the lower leagues, this pair is also very popular. Jhin’s long range and slow speed make it easy for Vi to catch up to enemies, and her stuns and knockups can easily set up Jhin’s traps. Curtain Call, Jhin’s ultimate, does a lot of damage to groups of enemies and can easily take out a whole team if Vi helps him set it up right.

This can go either way, though. If Jhin lands his W on a far-away target, Vi could catch up with her Q and R skills, giving Jhin all the time he needs to build up his passive 4th shot or land his ultimate with pinpoint accuracy.

In a nutshell, this is the duo you should bring to your next ranked game if you want to deal a lot of damage and have a few hard crowd control skills.


Xayah and Rakan

Xayah and Rakan
Xayah and Rakan

Another well-known pair in LoL is Xayah and Rakan. Rakan’s heals and buffs make it easy for Xayah to stay in the fight, and Rakan can easily catch up to enemies using Xayah’s long-range skills. Deadly Plumage, Xayah’s ultimate, does a lot of damage to groups of enemies and can easily take out a whole team if Rakan helps her set it up right.

They can easily beat anyone who isn’t ready for their deadly combo when they work together.


Azir and Gnar

Azir and Gnar
Azir and Gnar

Both champions have built-in attack speed and ways to get out of fights. This makes them useful for both pushing and team fights. Gnar can fight one-on-one without being stuck in one place like tanks are. He is also flexible and can easily play both tanky and carry Azir pieces. He can beat most melee top laners, like Sett, Darius, Garen, etc., in the meta.

On the other hand, Azir is one of the most complicated and best scaling champions in the game. When played by a skilled player, he can wipe an entire team by himself. Azir can go crazy with his ultimate, which adds a wall to give Gnar long chains of crowd control that hurt a lot. All of this makes them one of the best bot lane teams in League of Legends.


Kog’Maw and Janna

KogMa and Janna
Kog’Maw and Janna

The best combination of an ADC and a Support. If you want to play Kog’Maw, make sure you have a support who can keep him alive. Janna is the best person for making sure people are safe, so she’s a great choice.

This combination might be hard to play at times, especially early on, but it works well once Kog’Maw has a few items. Kog is one of the most powerful ADCs in the late game, and with Janna by his side, it’s almost impossible to kill him.


Twisted Fate & Shen

Twisted Fate and Shen
Twisted Fate & Shen

Twisted Fate and Shen are two of the most well-known ultimates in League of Legends around the world. When you put them together, you get a pair that can show up anywhere and at any time. By making their enemies feel alone with Shen’s follow-up and Twisted Fate’s pick potential, the two make their enemies afraid.

This duo is for you if you want Control, Utility, Team Fight Power, and a strong presence on the map as a whole.

Conclusion about best bottom lane duos in League of Legends:

In short, the best duo bot combos are those that work well together and make up for each other’s weaknesses. This means you should pair a champion with crowd control with one that does a lot of damage or has shields to protect themselves. In League of Legends, there is always a combo that will work for you, whether you want champions with a long range or those who fight close up.

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