Genshin Impact: Best Weapon Choices for Jean

Jean is a gem in Genshin Impact that doesn’t get enough attention. She can control crowds better than anyone else, heal and hurt people well, and has a lot of potential for elemental reactions. Jean can easily turn the tide of a battle if she is teamed up with characters who can use elemental attacks over and over again. She can use Anemo to kill nearby enemies and protect her team all at once.

Best Weapon Choices for Jean in Genshin Impact

Jean is one of the easiest five-stars to pull in the game. She can be found on both the regular and limited-time banners. That doesn’t make her any less useful, though, and when she has a good sword, she is a very helpful support. Even though there hasn’t been a weapon released to make the most of her kit, Teyvat is full of swords that can still fit her needs and make her a force to be reckoned with. Explore our unique list of best weapon choices for Jean.


Skyrider Sword

Genshin Impact Skyrider Sword
Skyrider Sword

Jean’s usefulness is directly tied to how quickly she can build up her elemental burst, so energy recharge is a very important stat for her. Even though her regular attacks can help her teammates get a little bit healthier, it’s her burst that really helps the team stay alive. With this in mind, it’s safe to say that the acting Grand Master would benefit a lot from the energy recharge sub-stat on this three-star sword.

When an elemental burst is used, this sword also boosts the user’s attack and movement speed. Since Jean’s healing is based on how much damage she does, this means that she does more damage and helps her team more. All in all, this is a great sword for players who can only use three-star swords.


The Flute

Genshin Impact The Flute
The Flute

The Flute is a great four-star choice for Jean because her healing is based on her attack stat. Its sub-stat is attack, and if it is fully ascended and levelled, it will boost attack by 41.3%. As a bonus, if the effect is triggered, a fully refined version of this weapon will deal 200 percent of attack damage to enemies in the area.

Luckily, it’s not too hard to set off. For the extra wave of damage to hit an enemy, you only have to hit them five times. The weapon keeps track of each hit every half second. These parts of the weapon make it easy for Jean to kill enemies and keep her team going.


Royal Longsword

Genshin Impact Royal Longsword
Royal Longsword

The Royal Longsword is another four-star sword with attack as its sub-stat. It goes well with Jean’s gear. That means there will be a lot of healing and just as much damage. The most interesting thing about this weapon, though, is that it increases the chance of a critical hit.

At refinement level 5, if Jean hits enough enemies with this weapon, it can increase his rate of critical hits by up to 80%. This is a huge boost to a stat, and it gets even better when combined with artefacts that make crit damage go up. This huge benefit only works if she is on the field and killing enemies, so it works much better for a DPS Jean than it does for a support Jean.


Prototype Rancour

Genshin Impact Prototype Rancour
Prototype Rancour

This four-star weapon can be forged or won as an adventure rank reward, so both new and experienced players can get it. This blade is easy to get, which is helpful because it means it can be refined quickly. This is perfect because the Prototype Rancour has a simple but powerful refinement effect: Break Stone.

At rank five, every normal or charged attack increases attack and defence by 8% for six seconds. The stat boost can even stack up to four times, and each stack can happen once every 0.3 seconds.

Jean is one of the best people to use this weapon because of how quickly she cuts and how her heals scale with her attack. She can also make good use of her physical damage sub-stat because both her normal and charged attacks are physical.


Favonius Sword

Genshin Impact Favonius Sword 1
Favonius Sword

The four-star Favonius Sword goes well with both of Jean’s outfits and is a great weapon for any support character. The energy recharge sub-stat lets her build quick, consecutive bursts of elemental power, which help her team heal and deal damage.

Only when she’s on the field does her burst build up faster, since critical hits often give her back six energy. When Jean is the active character and the player is desperately trying to heal the rest of the team, this can be a godsend. The extra energy regeneration this sword gives Jean speeds up the process a lot.


Aquila Favonia

Aqcuila Favonia
Aquila Favonia

The physical damage bonus of this five-star sword is perfect for a DPS Jean. The 20–40% attack boost this weapon gives on top of its already large base attack makes the person who uses it deal massive, consistent damage to enemies all over Teyvat.

This sword can do a lot of damage, but it can also heal a lot of HP every 15 seconds. How much HP it heals depends on how hard its user hits. When it does this, it also sends out a wave of damage that does 350% of its attack damage to enemies in the area. Because of these effects, Jean is almost impossible to kill and could clear enemy lines by herself.


Skyward Blade

Genshin Impact Skyward Blade 1
Skyward Blade

This five-star sword has a very high base attack and a useful energy recharge stat, making it a blade that Jean, the acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, would be proud to use. Its refinement effect gives a permanent boost to the number of critical hits and using the wielder’s elemental burst gives solid boosts to movement speed, attack speed, and damage.

The strong base attack of this blade and the variety of buffs it gives make Jean an unstoppable, high-damage war machine. The strong base attack makes sure that Jean’s healing is strong enough to heal an army. This weapon helps her stay alive, makes her elemental reactions stronger, makes her attacks more powerful, and makes it easier for her to help her team in general.


The Black Sword

Genshin Impact Black Sword
The Black Sword

This four-star weapon is good for teams that keep Jean on the field for a long time, since it increases the damage of both normal and charged attacks and lets the user heal whenever they land a critical hit.

Even though this regeneration can only happen once every five seconds, it can help Jean be more effective when she is the active character, especially since it is infused with a crit rate sub stat. If Jean was carrying this weapon, it would take all the archons’ anger to drain her health to zero.

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