Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions for Jean

Since the beginning of Genshin Impact, Jean Gunnhildr has been a popular playable character, and the fact that she’s still used a lot shows how well she plays. Her fighting skills are scary, and the only thing that gives Hilichurls a break is that Jean is usually too busy running Mondstadt.

Best Team Compositions for Jean in Genshin Impact

As an Anemo character who can Swirl other elements and also heal her team, Jean is very flexible and can fit into many different types of teams. Still, the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius works best with a small group of people. This guide will tell you how to put together Jean’s best teams so you can get the most out of Mondstadt’s Dandelion Knight.

Anyone for roasted dandelions?

Genshin Jean Bennett Xingqiu Raiden Team
Anyone for roasted dandelions?

This team takes advantage of a unique part of Jean’s Burst to heat things up on the battlefield. The name “Sunfire” comes from League of Legends, in case you were wondering. Jean’s Burst, called “Dandelion Breeze,” makes a circular field that gives Anemo to anyone inside it. This effect can be used to clean your characters of elements and some depuffs, but it can also be used offensively.

When combined with Bennett’s Burst, which gives Pyro to characters inside it, Jean’s Burst will constantly Swirl the Pyro aura off your characters and deal Pyro Swirl damage to enemies nearby. Since both Bennett’s and Jean’s Bursts want to use their own elements all the time, this back-and-forth elemental struggle causes a lot of powerful Pyro Swirls to go off.

Genshin Jean Sunfire Burst
Jean Burst

Since Jean’s and Bennett’s Bursts take up about the same amount of space on the ground, this combination of Bursts is easy to pull off. Your party members will also be quickly healed by both Bursts, so this strategy is very safe. You can pair this pair with any other characters you want, but if you want to trigger the most Elemental Reactions, you might want to use an Electro user and a Hydro user.

A Guiding Breeze

Genshin Jean Xiao Albedo Zhongli Team
A Guiding Breeze

Because Jean’s Elemental Skill has a short cooldown, she is a great battery for an Anemo DPS character. At the moment, Xiao is the only one who can really be called an Anemo DPS, but as Genshin Impact’s roster grows, new Anemo bruisers are sure to show up.

Xiao can’t make that much Energy on his own, so using Jean as a battery lets him use his Elemental Burst much more often. Jean’s Skill creates three elemental particles when it hits at least one enemy. If you switch to Xiao right after Jean’s Skill connects, the elemental particles will go to Xiao instead.

Genshin Impact Jean special ability
Jean’s Special Ability

Jean’s Normal Attacks and Burst can also heal her, which is helpful because Xiao loses health during his own Burst. When your Conqueror of Demons’ health bar is almost empty, switch back to Jean and give him some elemental particles.

In this team composition, Albedo and Zhongli, two Geo characters, are the best teammates for Jean and Xiao. Xiao doesn’t know how to use Elemental Reactions well anyway, and the shields and Geo Resonance bonuses will help him a lot.

The Protector of Mondstadt

Genshin Jean Kaeya Lisa Yun Jin
The Protectors

Jean is usually used as a healer, but that doesn’t mean she can’t do some serious damage on her own. After all, killing the things that are hurting your party is sometimes the best way to keep them healthy.

Jean’s Normal Attacks scale surprisingly well, and her Charged Attack will make enemies see stars for a short time. Even when Jean is built for Physical DMG, the rest of her kit still does enough damage and healing for her to work very well as a solo carry.

If you try this team composition, you should tune Jean’s artefacts and weapon for physical damage and give her teammates who can trigger Superconduct. This Elemental Reaction lowers the Physical RES of enemies by 40% for 12 seconds, which Jean can use to his advantage.

Genshin Jean Superconduct Normal Attack
Normal Attack Was Superconducted by Genshin Jean

Any Electro and Cryo character could be used here to trigger Superconduct, but Raiden Shogun, Lisa, Kaeya, and Rosaria are probably the easiest to use. This team’s last spot is pretty open, but you might want to add a Normal Attack buffer like Yun Jin to finish off the composition.

Even with this setup, Physical Jean won’t hit as hard as, say, Eula. But what you don’t do in terms of raw damage, you make up for in terms of comfort. Jean is a real jack-of-all-trades who can run an entire battlefield by herself. With the right help, she can take on any challenge outside the Spiral Abyss with ease. Her offensive abilities only get better with Constellations, so if you’ve rolled a few Jeans over the years and want to play her in a different way, try out this composition.

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