Genshin Impact: 10 Things About Amber That Make No Sense

Amber is one of the most popular characters in Genshin Impact, but she’s also the one who gets made fun of the most. People love this Mondstadt Outrider for her story and character, but they hate her skills and overall DPS.

10 Things About Amber That Make No Sense

But that’s not the only thing about this Knight of Favonius that doesn’t make sense. No, Amber doesn’t really make sense in a lot of ways, so let’s look into that.


The Phantom Headband Shifts?

The Phantom Headband Shifts?

So, it’s clear that Amber’s design is based on a rabbit. Her tight shorts are meant to make her legs look like those of a rabbit. She uses Baron Bunny, a small version of herself that looks like a rabbit. And the way her headband is tied at the top makes it look eerily like a pair of bunny ears.

But what’s even stranger is that the ends of the headband that look like ears sometimes move on their own! Fans have seen this happen even when Amber isn’t doing anything. Maybe there is more to the style of Rabbit than meets the eye.


How does Baron Bunny work?

How does Baron Bunny work
How does Baron Bunny work?

It’s hard to say where Baron Bunny, Amber’s favourite distraction doll, came from. Amber talks about sewing one for the Traveler in one of her voicelines. She says that it isn’t explosive because she made it, which suggests that she doesn’t make the explosive ones.

Most people think that Klee or Alice came up with the idea, and that now Klee, the mysterious little elf who makes bombs, just makes new ones for Alice when she needs them. But that’s just a theory, and there are lots of them.

So where do these Baron Bunnies actually come from? When they blow up, do they really break into pieces? Or does Amber always use the same Bunny and it always stays together? It’s all so hard to understand!


Why is that random leg strap there?

Why is that random leg strap there
Why is that random leg strap there?

Okay, so the point here isn’t to say that Genshin’s character designs are bad, because they’re not. But some of the characters’ designs are a bit strange. One is Paimon’s random long sock on one side, another is Bennet’s oddly placed wrist guard that he only wears on his left hand, and the third is Amber’s random leg strap.

From what people can tell, this thing has no practical use at all. This puts it in the same category as Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and other classic franchises that are known for their “throw more belts and pouches on it” designs. Mihoyo probably adds these little things to their designs to make them a little less symmetrical, but they don’t make any sense in this situation.


How did she set a Dendro Slime on fire when she was young?

How did she set a Dendro Slime on fire when she was young
How did she set a Dendro Slime on fire when she was young?

So, Amber’s past isn’t quite what it seems. Fans know that Amber’s Vision just showed up in front of her when she decided to be brave and keep the Outriders going. This is the same Vision that lets Amber put Pyro energy into her arrows or other things.

But if Amber didn’t get her Pyro powers until then, how did she get in trouble as a child for setting a Dendro Slime on fire by accident, as Story 1 says she did? Amber couldn’t have been carrying a flaming arrow or decided to set fire to a bush, which turned out to be a Dendro Slime. The Slime also couldn’t have just hopped into their campfire, so how did this fire happen?


Her doll rarely gets in the way, which is what it was made to do.

Her doll rarely gets in the way which is what it was made to do.
Her doll rarely gets in the way, which is what it was made to do.

Next, here’s a part of Amber that makes no sense from a game-playing point of view. And it all comes back to Baron Bunny, of course. The main way to use this skill is to get a group of enemies together and distract them so that Amber can shoot arrows at them while the Baron blows them up.

But in reality, Baron Bunny doesn’t distract enemies very often at all, and the area of the explosion is much too small. So this Elemental Skill won’t be on any “Best Of” lists any time soon. But the doll’s whole point is to be a distraction!

So why can’t it do what it’s supposed to? Obviously, this is more on the developers than on Amber, but it makes no sense at all to have a distraction device that doesn’t work.


What’s the difference between her gliding and Venti’s?

Whats the difference between her gliding and Venti
What’s the difference between her gliding and Venti’s?

All of Genshin Impact’s passive skills are pretty useful, but some are much more useful than others. For example, it’s nice that Barbara can make two healing-based meals at once while she’s cooking, but Venti makes the whole party go on for longer.

Oh, Amber also has that passive that lets her glide, which means that she can glide as well as the real Anemo Archon. That doesn’t make much sense, does it? She may be Mondstadt’s Gliding Champion, but Venti was born from the energy of Anemo.


Why did she have so much fear of a couple of hicks?

Why did she have so much fear of a couple of hicks
Why did she have so much fear of a couple of hicks?

For people who haven’t read or seen the official Genshin Impact comic/manwha/webtoon, it’s pretty great! In one of the early chapters, Amber finds a Hilichurl camp not too far from Mondstadt. There were no Mitachurls or even Hilichurl Mages.

Instead, there were just a bunch of simple Hilichurl grunts. Amber almost backs away from this fight because she thinks it’s too much for her to handle. This is the same girl who carries around an explosive doll meant to distract groups and was given superpowers by the gods, but she can’t handle 3–4 Hilichurls? That doesn’t make any sense at all.


What went wrong with Collei? Why doesn’t Amber talk about her at all?

What went wrong with Collei Why doesnt Amber talk about her at all
What went wrong with Collei? Why doesn’t Amber talk about her at all?

Most Genshin players probably haven’t heard of the name Collei, but it belongs to a character who is very important to Amber. In the Webcomic we just talked about, Amber meets a troubled girl named Collei who has a strange illness caused by experiments with “Archon Residue.” A lot of things happen, and in the end, Collei gets better. She then goes to Sumeru Academia to learn more about the world around her.

Collei had a big impact on Amber’s life, but she is never mentioned in any of Amber’s voice lines, her story summary, or even by other NPCs in passing. It’s just so strange that Amber doesn’t talk about this character at all, even though she’s obviously important to the story of Genshin as a whole.


What happened to Amber’s parents, anyway?

10 Things About Amber That Make No Sense
What happened to Amber’s parents, anyway?

So, what ended up happening to Amber’s parents? Fans are sure that they have been dead for a long time, but when and why? Amber only talks about her grandfather when it comes to family.

She doesn’t even say what happened to her birth parents in a passing line. Why is Amber all by herself in a big city like this? Where is either her mother or her grandmother? It wouldn’t be a big deal, but so much of Amber’s story is about her grandfather that players have to wonder about her other family.


Why doesn’t she get more “outriders”?

Why doesnt she get more
Why doesn’t she get more “outriders”?

The Outrider group of the Knights of Favonius quickly falls apart when Amber’s grandfather just up and leaves one day. Amber was much rowdier and more rebellious when she was younger, so she didn’t exactly pick up where her grandpa left off right away.

Still, Amber grows up to be a pretty good Knight in the end. So, why doesn’t she put the same amount of work into rebuilding the Outrider Division? Yes, she makes it clear that one of her main goals is to become a great Outrider like her grandpa. But shouldn’t that also mean recruiting new people and making sure she’s not the only one left in the group?

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