Genshin Impact: 10 Nonsense Things You Should Know About Razor

Genshin Impact has a lot of things that don’t make sense, especially if you’re more interested in the different things you can do in the game. Even with all the other things going on, it’s easy to suspend disbelief about some of the characters and where they came from or how they look.

Now, the wolf-boy Razor is a favorite among free-to-play players because he does as much damage as 5-star DPS characters. This might be the most unbelievable case of this kind.

10 Nonsense Things You Should Know About Razor

Even though Razor seems simple on the outside, he is a character with many layers. Many things about him were left out or never explained so that he could be portrayed as a cool wolf boy.

So, we’re left with questions about how and why Razor is and how he got to be what he is. We only know that he hits hard and fast, and until now, we haven’t asked why.


His Name – His Legend Title

His Name
His Name – His Legend Title

It seems that the former Knights of Favonius Grandmaster Varka was the one who saw Razor in the Wolvendom wilderness. Then, he tried many times to take care of the wolf-boy, help him get better, and bring him back into Mondstadt society.

So that could happen, he had to give the boy a name, and he chose “Razor.” Maybe it was the most distinctive thing about Razor’s teeth, or maybe Romulus or Remus had been used too much and was too similar to other names. In any case, with such a cool name, no one is upset.


Born To Wolves

Raised By Wolves
Born To Wolves

The whole “raised by wolves” thing is a myth that has been around since the beginning of time. But most sane people know by now that wolves would rather eat people because they are healthier and taste better. Also, given how mean the animals of Genshin Impact are, not even Razor would have been safe.

Even a pig or a boar, which look like they aren’t dangerous, can attack at any time. Also, what were the chances that Razor would get the right food for a human, which is different from what a wolf needs? Genshin Impact, on the other hand, is an anime game, so there.


How Does He Not Know Klee’s Name?

How Does He Not Know Klees Name
How Does He Not Know Klee’s Name?

Klee seems to be Razor’s favorite person or friend, since they are both violent and mostly follow their instincts. Klee knows Razor’s name and loves to play with his spiky hair, but Razor doesn’t seem to remember Klee’s.

Razor has trouble remembering human names because he was raised in a pack, but when he met Klee, he was already learning about the Knights of Favonius and knew Lisa by name. So, it was strange that he told the Traveller about Klee based on how he looked.


Where’d He Get His Clothes?

Whered He Get His Clothes
Where’d He Get His Clothes?

The Knights of Favonius did a lot to help Razor learn how to act like a human. Even though it didn’t seem like the most important thing to do, Grandmaster Varka taught him a little bit of how humans fight. He could have also given Razor his clothes, but maybe something more Mondstadtian would have been enough in that case?

Razor only got a useless hoodie, a pair of pants, and a pair of boots. Everything else is made of animal skin or wolf parts used to make decorations. Considering how fast and mean he is, his clothes should have been more worn. That is, unless he gets new, custom-made clothes from Mondstadt all the time.


Giving Razor A Claymore

Giving Razor A Claymore
Giving Razor A Claymore

When Grandmaster Varka of the Knights of Favonius started teaching Razor how to be human, he thought it was more important to teach Razor how to fight than how to get along with other people. So, he gave him a claymore and taught him how to be the most violent 4-star character in Genshin Impact.

Now he’s a DPS who runs around with a big piece of metal and does more damage than some 5-star characters. Because giving a wild child a claymore and teaching him how to kill better is how you bring him back into society. He could have at least given Razor a normal sword.


He Probably Doesn’t Need a Claymore

Genshin Impact: 10 Nonsense Things You Should Know About Razor
He Probably Doesn’t Need a Claymore

Razor probably doesn’t even need all those weapons, though. Because of a bad thing that happened to him, the gods had already chosen him to have a vision. Since he can easily call on the spirit of an electro-wolf, it’s safe to say that Razor doesn’t need the blade.

His claws and teeth were already sharp enough, or he wouldn’t have been able to hunt and kill herbivores while living with wolves. Even though the claymore/greatsword looks cool, Razor’s electro wolf is already strong enough.


Why Can’t He Eat Raw Meat?

Why Cant He Eat Raw Meat
Why Can’t He Eat Raw Meat?

Razor had to change the way he ate to keep up with his other wolf friends who had teeth and paws. So, he could eat raw meat and survive by biting and chewing chunks of any animal he caught.

Based on what he says in-game, he likes boar and rabbit best. Even though he is slowly getting better, having such stomach strength would have helped him in the game. In theory, Razor should be a unique character who can benefit from eating raw meat or get better health from it. Sad to say, that’s not true.


Eating Wolfhook

Eating Wolfhook
Eating Wolfhook

Razor’s preference for a plant or berry called Wolfhook is another thing that doesn’t make sense to him on its own. The character text for Razor in the game shows that he doesn’t like anything that his prey eats.

Still, he eats a lot of Wolfhook, especially when he needs to climb. Even after AR 40, he still needs a lot of them. Based on what Razor likes to eat, Wolfhook shouldn’t have been an option if he wants to get the most out of his ascension strength. The meat should have been from a pig.


Forcing Him to Eat Vegetables

Forcing Him To Eat Vegetables
Forcing Him to Eat Vegetables

Razor is being fed more and more things he doesn’t like, isn’t that, right? Razor has said that he doesn’t like either plants or vegetables. He eats a lot of meat. So, it’s strange that players can feed him Barbatos Ratatouille while he’s climbing up some cliffs.

Based on how he thought about food, Razor should have turned down these offers, no matter how good they were. Then again, maybe that’s one of the good things about him being brought into society and civilization. No more being picky.


How Did Razor Not Know He Isn’t a Wolf?

How Did Razor Not Know He Isnt a Wolf
How Did Razor Not Know He Isn’t a Wolf?

According to Razor’s story, he didn’t start to wonder about his species until he met Grandmaster Varka, who looks like him. Razor used to think he was a wolf, even though he could see that he had hands and only four legs.

Razor should have been able to tell that he’s not a wolf even without being able to see. Even so, it was probably too late, since he had already started being a good boy and howling before he realised that wolves don’t have hair.

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